Embark on a supernatural adventure in The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark! This captivating point-and-click indie video game combines the best elements of adventure and detective genres, offering a casual and immersive gaming experience like no other.
Welcome to Twin Lakes, a city plagued by a unique curse. While it's not quite "demons tearing it apart," it's certainly more than just misplaced keys or stepping in puddles. In this cursed town, someone has to handle the weird and inexplicable, and that someone is Detective Francis McQueen.
Teaming up with his trusty but somewhat absent-minded sidekick, Officer Dooley, McQueen is part of the Twin Lakes Police's esteemed Darkside Division. This unconventional department is determined to investigate the city's perplexing and often paranormal occurrences.
Prepare for a thrilling roller coaster of supernatural mysteries as you join McQueen and Dooley in their quest to keep the Darkside at bay. In The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark, you'll dive into six standalone cases that are as entertaining as they are puzzling.
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is an absolute must-play for lovers of:
Get ready to plunge into a world where humor meets mystery and supernatural phenomena await your investigation.
Akupara Games
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