Embark on a thrilling investigative journey in the world of The Darkside Detective, an acclaimed adventure video game that blends detective work with the supernatural. Take on the role of Detective Francis McQueen, the resourceful lead investigator of the criminally underfunded Darkside Division. As evil lingers in the corners of Twin Lakes City, it's up to you to shine a light on the cases that nobody else will touch.
Unravel a series of captivating mysteries in this multi award-winning comedic serial adventure, conveniently compiled into the COMPLETE SEASON ONE collection. Join forces with McQueen's trusty sidekick, Officer Patrick Dooley, as you dive deep into the hearts of Twin Lakes and confront the dark forces pulling the strings. Every corner hides a clue, and every object holds a secret. Point and click your way through eerie locations and employ your razor-sharp intellect (or ask a friend for assistance) to bring these puzzling cases to a close.
If you enjoyed the immersive worlds and captivating investigations in any of these games, then The Darkside Detective is an absolute must-play for you! Step into the shoes of Detective McQueen, embrace the supernatural side of crime-solving, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure that will keep you hooked from start to finish.
Akupara Games
Original release date: