In Stealth Inc 2, you play the role of a clone escaping a sinister and high-tech testing facility. S...Read more
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots is an anime-inspired beat-em-up with varied enemies and deep customization....Read more
"Pocket Kingdom" is an authentic throwback to the Amiga era! Challenging puzzles, sleek pixel art gr...Read more
Possess the living, aid the dead and flip between the worlds of Flipping Death - a puzzling adventur...Read more
Tiny Troopers puts you in command of a team of small soldiers. War might be hell but this is the fun...Read more
Shadow Tactics is a hardcore tactical stealth game set in Japan around the Edo period. A new Shogun ...Read more
Acting as Adam Wolfe, an investigator of the paranormal, you will discover a hidden world under the ...Read more
The Kingdom of Bones needs you! Purify the land and stop Evil King once and for all. Take the skull-...Read more