Experience the aftermath of a cataclysmic event that shattered the moon and left the Earth in ruins. In this gripping post-apocalyptic thriller, Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive, immerse yourself in a world struggling with environmental fallout. As the last survivor, you must fortify your home every night against new dangers while unraveling the truth behind the apocalypse.
From Scriptwelder, the acclaimed developer behind the popular horror series Deep Sleep and Don't Escape, comes a pixel art masterpiece with a haunting atmosphere that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey alongside David, a lone survivor plagued by prophetic dreams... or nightmares.
Delve into each chapter filled with multiple potential variations, facing deadly obstacles ranging from poisonous fog and spiders to ruthless thugs and scorching heat waves. With each playthrough, adapt your strategy to survive against the relentless clock that ticks away precious time. Complete your preparations before nightfall to stand a chance at staying alive.
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Prepare for a heart-pounding journey in the face of impending doom, and discover if you have what it takes to survive all four days. Can you protect yourself and your companions in this unforgiving post-apocalyptic world?
Armor Games Studios
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